
Committee Positions

We are looking for regional representatives to join UKAPU Committee. your role will be :- Promote UKAPU to players at local sites by posting flyers and giving talks, forge relationships with local retailers and sites, organise a few social activities and games each year The regions we are looking for are South East ( includes…

We are looking for regional representatives to join UKAPU Committee.
your role will be :-
Promote UKAPU to players at local sites by posting flyers and giving talks, forge relationships with local retailers and sites, organise a few social activities and games each year

The regions we are looking for are
South East ( includes London )
South West
East Midlands
West Midlands
North England
Northern Ireland

You must be over 18 , confident speaking to groups of players , able the motivate and organise your self and to be a ambassador of UKAPU

So if your interested or you know someone that might be interested just message us on Facebook

UKAPU is also in dire need of a Scotland Representative. They would be responsible for recruiting and engaging with Scottish players and engaging with the Scottish government, especially in light of the upcoming legislation (Airgun Act). We have people on hand to give you support and advice about the political situation. The whole airsoft and firearms world is looking at us to see what happens when Airguns are licensed, so we need to ensure we have input and get feedback on this and future issues.

Applicants will need to be self motivated, confident, passionate about airsoft, behave professionally and able to dedicate time to the situation. We have our hands full and will not be able to hold your hand or tell you every action you need to take, you need to be able to gather the required information and allies and run with it! I’m Aberdeen based myself so will be on hand to help out the appointed candidate.

Please drop us a PM on Facebook if you are interested in taking these committee positions on. Please share this post with your friends and also on airsoft pages.

Matt Furey-King, ChairĀ & Lee Dempsey, General SecretaryUKAPU scotland vector gif