
Facebook announcement – Mar 29th

This week the Airsoft Trade Body (ATB) is having another meeting. The previous incarnation didn’t take off, but new people are having another go and are determined to see it work.

Airsoft is going though a tough period, as are most shooting sports. If airsoft hopes to survive the whole industry needs to work to secure the future, not just the odd store or manufacturer. We are praying that ATB becomes a strong democratic sister organisation to UKAPU, and we give the project our full and enthusiastic support.

So if you work in the airsoft industry please do try and make it to the meeting on the 30th March at the Gaol, in the Midlands.

Contact The Gaol for more info.



Facebook announcement – Mar 25th

We have just been made aware that commencement orders have been published for the PCA 2017. Firearms provisions come into force on the 2nd May 2017.

In layman’s terms that means the airsoft ‘power limit’ of 1.3J for full auto and 2.5J for semi auto/single shot becomes law on the 2nd May.

UKAPU and UKARA are still working to get clarifications on how to comply, but we still don’t have anything at all. It’s been over a year since we were promised these issues would be looked at. We are examining other further courses of action such as Judicial review. To keep pursing this we need the support of the community and industry. Without clarifications the only people at risk are airsoft people, it’s not a problem for the government or police, it will only be us living in a grey area, at risk of a 5 year jail sentence.



Facebook announcement – Mar 22nd

UKAPU member Tim Jacobs has made up this useful chart which shows the velocity of various weight BBs at 1.3J and 2.5J (the new legal power limits for airsoft). It’s a nice way to illustrate the point that with heavier BBs the permissible muzzle velocity is greatly reduced.

I’d imagine there’s a fair few people who currently own airsoft replicas that are set up to fire at just below the common site limit of 350fps on a 0.20g BB, yet some of those replicas could fire 0.25g BBs at more than 335fps, which is over the 1.3J legal limit.

Sadly there’s still been no PCA clarifications from the government. With the commencement orders for the firearms provisions supposedly due to be issued in the Spring, this is completely unreasonable. UKAPU and UKARA were promised in March last year that these issues would be looked at, and both organisations continue to pursue the matter.



Facebook announcement – Mar 21st

Looks like our closest neighbours could soon be facing a situation not unlike the VCRA crisis of 2006, when airsoft replicas were almost banned in the UK. Irish Airsoft Association (fellow members of European Airsoft Association) are all over it though. Good luck, UK airsoft stands in solidarity with you!



Facebook announcement – Mar 19th

EAA update on the EU firearms directive proposal


Facebook announcement – Mar 14th

Breaking news-

The IMCO committee of the European Parliament has just voted in favour of amendment 107 of proposal 2015/0269 to amend the European firearms directive. 107 is the outcome of the trilogue compromise, and includes text which specifically exempts airsoft from the firearms directive. So airsoft replicas will NOT be reclassified as firearms.

If the initial proposal had not been amended then all airsoft replicas and even blank fire grenades would have been reclassified as firearms. This would have functioned as an Europe wide ban on airsoft, the same situation as Australia is in. By the way the UK is still in the EU and this directive still has to be implemented in UK law.

Big pat on the back to all the organisations that lobbied in favour of airsoft (notably UKAPUs parent body, EAA, and ASG/Cybergun) and the many thousands of airsoft players who wrote to their MEP.

There’s not much call for celebration though. The new directive will mean additional needless regulations for UK firearms owners such as magazine capacity restriction. Please don’t forget that many firearms owners helped fight this attack on airsoft. We also need to help them wherever we can, if either of our sports hope to survive. And the new regulation will do little to protect us from terrorism either, which was the supposed intention.

If you aren’t aware, this was the biggest legal crisis ever faced by airsoft in history, we nearly lost airsoft across the whole continent, and it’s not hard to imagine the rest of the world would have followed Europe’s example, as they often do. Yet very few people in the airsoft community took an interest. Many of you probably didn’t even hear about what was going on. As a community, we need to ask ourselves why news of this crisis wasn’t spread, why most people weren’t talking about it or fighting back. Airsoft won’t survive if we only give our attention to trivial matters.

European Airsoft Association will be in Brussels again, acting as your representatives, over the coming months to check there are no errors made when the firearms directive is redrafted.

Please don’t get this mixed up with the Policing and Crime Act, which is an unrelated ongoing issue.

But this EU proposal case is basically closed in regards to Airsoft. Phew!

Matt Furey-King, Chair UKAPU


Facebook announcement – Mar 13th

The public are currently being warned to watch out for suspicious activity via a new campaign and hotline, ACT (action counters terrorism). It’s fair to say that the British public is more wary about firearms than ever before, and things are only getting worse.

Of course UKAPU is fully supportive of Government counter terrorism initatives, and we advise UKAPU members to take on board the advice in the campaign.

But as an airsoft player the likely risk you face is not from terrorism but from a member of the public calling the hotline about your legitimate airsoft related activities.

There are precautions you can take to reduce the likelihood of this happening, such as-

*Buy gun cases and slips, don’t carry an airsoft replica to a game loose in the car or in the original box.

*Keep airsoft replicas away from windows when storing or maintaining in your home.

*Let friendly neighbours know about your hobby (especially if you use them to ‘plink’ in the garden- which is perfectly legal).

*Wear civilian clothing to and from games

*Try to only attend games at professionaly run sites, good sites will have liaised with local police.

*Don’t share airsoft replica photos on public social media unless you make the viewers aware that it is airsoft.

*When carrying replicas by rail, coach, air or ferry, call ahead to let them know.

*Do read up on the relevant laws- when questioned, make sure you can explain how and why you are allowed to purchase and use replicas.

Please like and share- you may already ‘get it’, but there’s many players out there who don’t know how much trouble an airsoft replica can cause. Every time someone screws up it moves us closer to a UK airsoft ‘ban’. Many players don’t realise the Secretary of State can repeal the airsoft specific defence overnight with the stroke of a pen, and the government have made it known that they will do that if airsoft is causing trouble.

Matt Furey-King, Chair UKAPU


Facebook announcement – Mar 10th

Thanks for the support everyone! Please help your association reach the next 5000 UK airsoft players so we can carry on the mission to inform and educate! Make sure that all of you are joined up too, it’s free! 👍👍👍


Facebook announcement – Mar 9th


Facebook announcement – Mar 9th

This weekend at the IWA airsoft meetup Paul Wignell (of ASG) accepted the late Mark Rasmussen’s special airsoft players choice award, on behalf of Mark’s Mum. A very emotional moment, but I’m so happy that the airsoft community was able to do something nice for the family and give Mark a final salute goodbye. He deserves this award.

Check out the video on Pop Air:
