Happy Halloween 
Normally we’d be posting our standard public service announcement about not taking out airsoft imitations to Halloween parties but I don’t think that will be happening this year.
What will happen this year is uhm, looking forward (in England at least) to a load of nothing.
There’s no details that have been announced excepting the speech by the Prime Minister, however my expectation is that the situation in England will be placed under a “lockdown” similar to what England was placed under in March – that is, no Airsoft from Thursday onwards until December (at the earliest).
We will be posting on the Lobbying for UK Airsoft links to any relevant legislation whenever it is published (which will probably be Wednesday evening)
I believe the Welsh assembly won’t be extending their “fire breaker” lock down, Scotland will have further legislation enacted on the 2nd of November and Northern Ireland’s “circuit breaker” lockdown currently allows outdoor skirmishes up to 15 people – therefore it’s very likely that after next week, England will be the only home nation where Airsoft can’t be played for the time being.
But we’ll know for definite the plan for both England and Scotland some time early next week, hopefully.
~ David