We appear to be having issues with our website’s infrastructure, it is rather slow.
If you are needing to contact us for assistance, please do so through our e-mail (contact@ukapu.org.uk) or via the Facebook page.
~ David
Announcement of Press Officer Vacancy
Due to our long-standing press officer unfortunately standing down, the role of UKAPU press officer has become vacant.
If you’re interested in helping write the voice for UKAPU – and hopefully having fun in the process (or at the very least, laughing at our bad jokes) then send us a message!
~ David
UKAPU Chairman
It has been very widely reported in the press that an airsoft range has publicised their offering of paper targets depicting Shamima Begum, a teenager who travelled to Syria to support ISIS.
Notwithstanding any opinions about the morality of the actions of Ms Begum, we at UKAPU believe that targets depicting real people who are currently in the public eye – even for controversial reasons – is at the very least distasteful and inflammatory, especially given how volatile this particular story has been. The negative media attention that has been brought to airsoft speaks for itself, and was fairly predictable.
Regardless of how harmless these paper targets may seem, there are people out there who will use this as an attempt to discredit airsoft as a legitimate activity.
The authorities will no doubt now be aware of this incident. Airsoft was able to survive through the many legislation crises over the last 12 years because representatives were able to portray the airsoft community as being both responsible and aware of the sensitive nature of replica firearms. Thus, we have avoided regulations, on the promise that we could be trusted to behave and self regulate – without the heavy restrictions that have been placed on the firearms community.
Headline news incidents such as this could make it very hard to justify our position.
In addition, this incident has caused misplaced backlash for the firearms community. We have relied on their support to keep airsoft above water, and we are striving for ever closer ties. This behaviour would not have been tolerated in the firearms community – and this could cause them to regard airsoft as a liability.
Sometimes, people come up with wacky ideas.
Like, getting onto aeroplanes with their Airsoft replicas for the purposes of skirmishing in different places.
Choosing which airline to go with (and to avoid!) is a somewhat tricky task – even taking into consideration reasonable air fares.
So, a few of us at the committee got our heads down and created this wonderful resource.
It’s not all of the airlines in the UK – but it’s most of the large airlines, the ones that us skirmishers would more than likely use to fly to places.
If you’ve had success with other airlines in the past (or have horror stories you’d like to share with the community) then we’d love to hear from you!
~ David, UKAPU Chairman
There are many things that seem like a good idea after drinking to excess – this is one of those ideas that after having spent a second of thought, could just be possibly one of the worst ideas that I think one could ever come up with.
Airsoft replicas and drink don’t mix. This could have been so much worse.
~ David
Oh my, that was a brilliant day!
I did joke around on a post on a few Airsoft related groups that I would have liked to have been target practice for half of the attendees only, but it turned into uhm, everyone.
Anyway we’ll be digesting the outcome of the AGM and expect some more updates in the coming days!
~ David
UKAPU Chairman
AGM related post #187:
Facebook managed to break the URL to access the booking page, so sometimes folk were greeted with an ominous looking error page 🙁
Reposted for your convenience.
Look forward to seeing you on the 12th of January in Birmingham!
PS: We’re still taking in submissions for topics to discuss at the AGM
(A very cold David)